Smultron – an open source text editor for Mac OS X that is designed for both beginners and advanced users.Komodo Edit – a free and open source cross-platforms text editor.TextWrangler – a powerful general purpose text editor, and Unix and server administrator’s tool.Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 60 programming languages. Editra – a multi-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development.Beans – a small, easy-to-use rich text editor designed to make writing convenient, efficient and comfortable.Siag Office – a free office package for UNIX.

What’s Keeping Me? – empty the Trash or eject a disk.Flying Windows – work in single application mode.QuickBoot – make it quick and easy to boot another drive/partition.TrimTheFat – remove PPC architecture from applications.SizeWell – better window resize and zoom options.Wallsaver – use any screen saver as wallpaper.Preferences Cleaner – a utility which aims to simplify the task of deleting preference files.